The Hair Cut
Why the long face?
“Can you come with me to the hairdressers to tell them what I want?” I ask Zsuzsa.
“You don’t need me to come. You can speak enough Hungarian to let them know.” she replies.
But then I remember the last time I went to a Hungarian hairdressers, when they cut my hair a little too short.
“I’m not sure.” I say.
“Honey, just ask for a little haircut.”
“What if they try and make me look Hungarian? What if I come out with a moustache?”
“You’ll be fine.”
Thirty minutes later and I’m venturing in to the local hairdressers. I’m alone and scared, but this shaggy hair isn’t going to cut itself. I approach the scissor wielding staff and ask the dreaded question.
“Beszél Angolul (Do you speak English?)?”
“Errrr, nem.”
Son of a bin man! I take a moment to compose myself. I convince myself that all is okay. I speak a little Hungarian. I know how to ask for ‘A little hair cut’. I’ve got this! I take a deep breath, ask for, what I later realise is “A little hair” and take my place in the judgement seat. The hairdresser today is a trendy gent. He’s clad from head to toe in black, with skinny jeans, a tight fitting t-shirt and a black beanie hat. He seems confident in what he has to do. And so it begins.
The first ten minutes of the haircut are incident free. He sprays a little water, trims a little hair and circles me repeatedly like a prowling tiger.
We enter the second half of the haircut and it’s now that proceedings will take an unexpected twist. The hairdresser, who I think I’ll call Laszlo, whips out a big canister of hair mousse and a hairdryer. He then begin to build my hair up, and up, and up, slathering on dollop after dollop of mousse and using the hairdryer as a weapon of mass volumisation. All I can do is sit and watch in bewildered horror, unable to communicate with my hair aggressor. It’s like watching a car crash happen in slow motion, but with more hair and a lot more hair mousse.
The hair cut finishes with a little hair spray. I mean, of course it does! I stare at my reflection. WHAT THE HOLY FUCK DID I ASK FOR!? I look insane! I look like a hipster from the 80’s! I look like a mixture of Jedward, Eraserhead and Joan Collins! I look like a sodding cockatoo!
“Okay?” asks Laszlo.
“Igen. Köszönöm. (Yes. Thanks)” I reply and give him a tip. After all, I’m British.
I leave the hairdresser, stooping low to navigate my hair through the doorway, and stand in the crisp, Hungarian winter’s air, now a significantly taller man than I was thirty minutes ago. I wait for Zsuzsa, comforted by the knowledge that she has my hat with her. Ten minutes go by. Zsuzsa approaches. Her eyes widen.
“Hat please.” I reply.
This hat is staying on my head until February.