What I do…



Brand strategy


Content creation

Video creation

Editing (both video and written)



In a nutshell  

I’ve spent the last two decades nurturing two separate, parallel careers. In one brightly lit corner we had a business director, planner and strategist, working at some of the world’s biggest and shiniest media agencies. Then, in another (dimly lit little) corner we had a writer and film maker who’d burn the midnight oil writing advertising copy, scripts, books, film reviews for magazines etc; or making and editing films.

Then, in 2016, as the reality of my impending fatherhood sunk in, I decided that life was too short for “what ifs”, and I set off on a mission to merge my two parallel worlds.

I’m now a freelance creative strategist, writer and film maker working with some of the most wonderful brands out there (Unilever, Ferrero, Omnicom, Sinclair Motors, The British Embassy, Bristol Zoo etc) and with a network of incredibly talented collaborators whose raft of skills compliment mine.

I’ve also managed to find the time to published a children’s book and become a professional film screenwriter, with one feature film script about to go in to production in LA and another in development in London.

So things are going pretty well and we should definitely work together.

PS Fatherhood’s pretty special too.

"Gareth is joy to work with. I’d definitely recommend it.."

Alexander III of Macedon 320 BC

A Few Facts

Based - Everywhere

Day Job - Freelance creative, copywriting, brand strategist.

Interesting Fact 1 - My first feature film script, Mona, was optioned within two days of completion.

Interesting Fact 2 - "Top film critic" on Rotten Tomatoes

Interesting Fact 3 - I was supposed to be a zombie in Shaun of the Dead until glandular fever cruelly struck me down!